Heather Ashton, our favorite insider designer/recapper returns one last time with her excclusive look at the Top Design finale:
Was there ever any question?
I have a few questions. Why does Matt’s daughter get a door and Matt + spouse get a curtain? I think Trudie had the same question. Why, knowing that Jonathan’s fortune is home accessories did Carisa chose nary a vase? I think all those comments about editing her pillows freaked her out. And why were the latered contestants not brought back to help out!!!! Always about me people!
But SERIOUSLY, Matt and Carisa blew me away. I have no idea where to start…ok I do. How sad was that first shot of the workroom with all the empty tables? Just me? And I do have to admit that I had a secret wish for Matt to lose so I could horn in on his Mexican exile. Sounds fun right? And by the way Matt, we all lost to a student and are just fine.
Carisa did an amazing job. She should be commended for sticking by her strong, personal aesthetic. She easily could have run home and mimicked someone like Miles Redd who is heavily featured in Elle Décor and shares her same love of bold color statements, but she stuck to her guns. Her room was super fun and I would love to hang out there. I have a feeling that with all that fanciness in Matt’s pad, his daughter might be sneaking over to Carisa’s to play ping-pong every now and then. She’d be wearing a tiara, but it might be askew. With my Standard Hotel background, how could I not love the pit bed? I also loved how she chose to retain the essence of loft living, which is openness. Carisa didn’t disappoint with her color choices either. It took chutzpah to go black and white and her level of commitment to that choice was outstanding. Carisa rocks.
Matt couldn’t be more perfect for Elle Décor. He’s chic, articulate and surprisingly cocky. Who knew? He’s great with furniture and has impeccable taste. The personal touch with the wall of family photos (Bruce Weber style, not Dad in Bermudas), I think stole the competition from Carisa. You could not avoid becoming personally involved in Matt’s design. The warmth of those photos made Matt’s perfectly decorated space accessible. Genius touch!
Click here to continue reading Heather's exclusive recap of the Top Design finale. Don't miss her list of "Here's Heather" TOP award winners!