Friday, March 09, 2007

From Carl The Carpenter

Carl Mueller, the first pick by Carisa in the carpenter assignments this week, is a little hot about the garage challenge. He sends along this note:

I can't stand by on this one.

Carissa got no credit for the work I did on her behalf. My focus was completely in the garage. I built the storage cabinet in the back, built the sliding ladder on the front of the loft (that noone seemed to notice was designed to access all parts of the loft storage space) and built the benches for the theatre audiences.

Carissa got no credit for any of this. She did not need my help in the little office space, she had it under control and, in my opinion, did a great job given the circumstances (with the help of Sarah, of course). It was the most finished and functional part of the overall design. What was she supposed to do? Not finish her task to the best of her ability?

Ryan did some major hands on helping with the actual work while he waited for the floor to be cleared so we could do the floor treatment. That never happened. There simply was not enough time to finish the work, clear the floor and get it painted as was intended. So rather than bitch and moan, and get under foot, he pitched in banging this project out in the ridiculous amount of time that was available to us.

I won't say who I think should have gone home. But if the criterion was helping Andrea realize her design, it should not have been Carissa or Ryan.